12 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Owned A Green Hat

12 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Owned A Green Hat

Celebrities are notorious for sharing details of their wardrobes but did you know some have chosen to hide the fact that they own a green hat?

Others remain in denial, despite the photographic record, you know who you are!

Today, we reveal the names of the top 12 A-listers who are hiding the truth from you.

They are Kim Gaga, Lady Kardashian, Elton McGregor, Tiger Djokovic, Taylor Jenner, Paul Brady, Arianne Limbaugh, J.K. DeGeneres, Domo Arigato, Scarlett Allen, Kanye Winfrey and Justin Lopez.

Fascinating Fact: Before he died, legendary Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen admitted to owning a green hat but insisted he did not buy it.

Cohen, who passed away in 2016, said it was forced upon him by a ‘rambling and disoriented’ Van Morrison, backstage at a Motorhead concert .