‘Calm Down Love,’ Journalist Told After Asking ‘Hello, Is That The Garda Press Office?’

‘Calm Down Love,’ Journalist Told After Asking ‘Hello, Is That The Garda Press Office?’

Within seconds of taking a call from Sunday World Crime Correspondent Nicola Tallant, a Garda Press Office specialist advised her to ‘calm down love’ before immediately hanging up.

Admiring colleagues gathered to exchange high fives with the veteran switchboard operator and commend his deft handling of an extremely tricky situation.

Commissioner Drew Harris later emailed Garda Pat Finnerty to thank him for ‘navigating a potential minefield with consummate ease’.

“I could sense she was very tense,” Finnerty subsequently told Garda Review, “the minute I answered the call? There was something fierce agitated about her voice, it was very…female, like?”

Late last night, the press office confirmed colleagues have since taken to calling Pat, the ‘Smooth Operator’.

The incident did not end there however, as it will be recreated in a special pamphlet to be issued to new recruits, called How to Calm Down Women Who Need Calming Down.

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