Trump Says Musk “Impossible To Reason With”

Trump Says Musk “Impossible To Reason With”

After failing to convince Elon Musk to give him most of his fortune, Trump lashed out last night, calling him “impossible to reason with”.

“I made him a great offer. The best he’s ever gonna get. I said ‘I promise you this Elon, if you give me most of your money, I guarantee you I won’t regret it’. But he wouldn’t listen to reason. He said he’d love to do that but if he did, people might think it was weird? And that would backfire on me, so I should go ask Zuckerberg instead?”

“I tried again. I said ‘Listen Elon, if you want to go down in history for helping me stay rich while you don’t, this is your best chance’. But it was like talking to a brick wall. I said ‘I’m known for the art of the deal. Ask anyone. And this will be the deal of the century‘. But he just shook his head again and made one of his weird faces.”

Musk later said “It was a truly great offer but I’ve been hurt before? Like that time I changed the name of Twitter to X. I thought everyone would love me because I made it so much quicker to type but instead everyone just laughed at me?”