Halfway Through Famine Report, Newsreader Expresses Alarm Over Dry Skin

Halfway Through Famine Report, Newsreader Expresses Alarm Over Dry Skin

The National Broadcaster has temporarily suspended a newsreader who inadvertently swore on air this evening, until a free publicity-generating inquiry has exonerated her. RTE executives are also said to be eagerly strategizing on how to monetize this unexpected windfall. 

Viewers rushed to comment on twitter after newsreader Sharon Ní Bheoláin, midway through an item commemorating The Great Famine – during which a million people died and another million were forced to emigrate – noticed a patch of dry skin on her left index finger.

“‘Sonuva bitch!” the popular anchor suddenly exclaimed, as she broke off to examine it more closely, before apologizing and resuming the item.

She later tweeted to say the problem had been resolved by applying ‘Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Anti-Aging Smoothing Lotion‘ to the dry digit.