Middle Aged Couple Who Hold Hands In Public Viewed With Suspicion By Neighbours

Middle Aged Couple Who Hold Hands In Public Viewed With Suspicion By Neighbours

“Here comes puppy love,” architect’s wife & mother of two Iseult O’Malley warned next door neighbour and best friend Margaret Carberry, as they strolled through Herbert Park in the leafy suburb of Ballsbridge.

“I don’t care what you say, nobody’s that happy without pharmaceutical help,” Iseult said firmly, as Joe and Diane Rogan approached. “I mean, what have they got to be smirking about? He’s an accountant on a three day week and she’s an art teacher who can’t paint.”

The Rogan’s passed, each smiling madly at O’Malley and Carberry who nodded back without stopping or smiling back.

Suspicion and derision had long ago fought each other to a weary standstill, in the hearts and minds of the Rogan’s neighbours. But the stalemate had been reached soonest, within O’Malley and Carberry.

“If a child ever goes missing round here,” Carberry said through gritted teeth, “their house will be first on my search list.”

O’Malley grunted her agreement before adding, “Dave says every last one of those ‘always look on the bright side’ perverts work in HR.”

“I once dated a guy who was in HR,” Carberry mused, “he took me to a karaoke night and sang Three Times A Lady but he didn’t drink, so…”