Wife Says All Husband Does Is ‘Make Carbon Dioxide’

Wife Says All Husband Does Is ‘Make Carbon Dioxide’

‘Architect’s wife and mother of two’ Iseult O’Malley made the claim to a telephone pollster while keeping an eye on the 23 year old Brazilian cleaner who was mopping her kitchen floor.

When asked her husband’s occupation, O’Malley – who doesn’t have a lot on this week – told the Croatian pollster, “all he does is make carbon dioxide”.

“So he is manufacturer…”, the pollster replied.

“No, he’s not,” O’Malley replied, wondering if she should weigh herself again, given that she’d just done fifteen minutes gentle walking on the treadmill.

“What he is,” she said firmly, “is a bloody waster.”

“He is recycling man?”

“No, he’s absolutely useless. All he does is turn perfectly good air into carbon dioxide.”

“No understand,” the pollster replied.

“I know,” O’Malley said, before hanging up, “because I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you”.