Fabric Of Rural Ireland To Be Turned Into Irish Dancing Costumes

Fabric Of Rural Ireland To Be Turned Into Irish Dancing Costumes

The Failte Ireland-sponsored, Christy Mahon-impersonator, Danny Healy-Rae has issued a dramatic warning about Irish exports.

The Kerry TD called on the Irish Consumer Association to investigate his claim that when it’s not being auctioned off wholesale, the fabric of rural Ireland is to be turned into cut-rate, Irish dancing costumes.

“Gin-a-rayshins of little bize and girtles will grow up,” he bellowed, “not realizing they’ve been robbed not wance but twysh over”.

“The fursht time when the fabric of roo-urtle Ireland was shtolen from thim and the sicind time whin twas made inta cut rayet coshtumes!”

Healy Rae called on former Riverdance and Lord of the Dance star Michael Flatley ‘ta jine me in apposing tha croosaficshin a tha south-wisht’.