Woman Prepares Best Non-threatening Smile For Office Photo

Woman Prepares Best Non-threatening Smile For Office Photo

As she brushed her hair in the ladies, Melissa Madigan momentarily paused to droop her shoulders, lean her head to one side and smile meekly at the mirror. Beside her, best friend Aleesha Sheedy said “You’re not going with ‘lovely girl’ smile again this year? Screw that! I’m going with a ‘squinch’.”

“All you do is squint ever so slightly?” Sheehy said in response to Madigan’s blank stare, “and it pinches and raises your lower eyelids just a tad”. Madigan earnestly reminded Sheedy that she knew she’d overdone ‘Duckface’ on her Facebook page but that was really only because ‘Sparrowface’ had never really worked for her like it had for most people.

They both agreed ‘Smize’ was for mingers and weirdos.

“Basically,” Madigan nervously explained, “I just want everyone to know I’m really lovely because, you know…I am?

“Basically,” Aleesha replied, “I just want everyone to know I’m really hot because, you know…I so am!” 

Acknowledging that was why they made such a good combination when they went clubbing together, the pair then rejoined the rest of the sales team for the annual promo shot.