Driverless Police Car, Chases Driverless Car

Driverless Police Car, Chases Driverless Car

Hollywood studio bosses have announced the death of the car chase movie, after a self-driving police car chased and caught a self-driving car that had broken a red light.

The couple in the car insisted they had been trying to get to the airport when their car suddenly accelerated and began weaving in and out of traffic and overtaking cars. At the same time, they said, the car stereo began playing the Smokey and the Bandit theme song. The chase ended when the car clipped another vehicle and hit a parked car without turning over or bursting into flames. Observers said they could only give the chase a single star, as the car didn’t drive through any fruit stalls, go down a one-way street or even explode.

A Warner Brothers executive told a press conference, “This is a very sad day for an industry that has given so much time and energy to making the kind of car chase pictures that appeal to morons all over the world. How many women have spent an empty, soul destroying night at the cinema, mistakenly imagining their boyfriend’s unbridled excitement over a car chase, would later transform into a significant emotional moment?”

Afterwards, the people who always say this sort of thing, immediately said “Things will never be the same again!”