Try This Simple Trick To Eliminate Dust – Turn On The Vacuum Cleaner

Try This Simple Trick To Eliminate Dust – Turn On The Vacuum Cleaner

You’ll have amazing results in minutes with this one simple, ingenious trick, everyone should know. Find out how an old lady keeps her carpet perfectly clean in just one minute a day. (Never mind that it’s your mother! Listen to her anyway.) Bill Gates still does this once every year.

First, plug in your vacuum cleaner. (If you don’t know how, look it up on YouTube.)

Then look for the On/Off button. (It’s usually marked ‘On/Off’ or ‘Power’.)

Press the button firmly. (Don’t be alarmed by the noise, it simply means the motor’s working.)

Pick up the handle and use it to push the suction nozzle around the floor for one minute, taking care to cover as much carpet as possible. Do this every day for a week and your carpet will be dust free.

Next week: How to get rid of that smell from under your arms!