Asian Couple Name Son “CEO Amir Patel” To Give Him ‘Headstart In Business’

Asian Couple Name Son “CEO Amir Patel” To Give Him ‘Headstart In Business’

No sooner had Indu & Ranjan Patel finished crying tears of joy over the arrival of their beautiful first born yesterday morning, than Ranjan’s mother Charulata reminded her that giving him ‘a headstart in life’ must be their first priority.

“As you know, Tuesday is owned by Mars,” Charulata said, “a planet of war which makes it a most inauspicious day for a birth.”

“I told you not to give birth on a Tuesday,” a blissfully unaware Indu mumbled, as he ‘coo-cooed’ the baby.

“It’s a good day to start a war,” Indu replied sharply, “if that’s what you want?”

“Now, now, we must pull together. This boy will need all the help we can give him,” Charulata warned them, “which is why I have decided to name him…’CEO Amir Patel’!”

The proud parents looked at each other aghast but were lost for words.

“With a name like CEO Amir Patel,” Charulata said later, “the boy is bound to lead a Fortune 500 company someday”.