80 Is Too Old To Be President, Says Candidate Who Will Turn 80 Halfway Through Next Presidential Term

80 Is Too Old To Be President, Says Candidate Who Will Turn 80 Halfway Through Next Presidential Term

Proving once again that logic is not his strongest suit, Donald Trump yesterday claimed that 80 year old President Biden is ‘too old’ to run for re-election.

The White House again pointed out that if Trump is elected next year, he will by then be 78 and will turn 80 after two years in office and by his own reasoning, then be ‘too old’ to be president. “Time was,” a spokesman said, “when if you said something as patently stoopid as that, it would immediately knock you out of the running but we live in interesting times…”.

Meanwhile, 81 year old Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell, bristling with indignation over having to answer questions about his age, snapped “I’ve got more hair left than those two whippersnappers put together”.