Spanish Woman’s Pubic Hair Growing So Fast, It’s Not Worth Her While Getting A Brazilian

Spanish Woman’s Pubic Hair Growing So Fast, It’s Not Worth Her While Getting A Brazilian

Puta Madre!”, Mercedes García Ramírez de López exclaimed, as she surveyed the rug-like growth on her thighs, “I have only the four and twenty hours until I last shave them and now…they are like the back of the monkey again!”

The 20-year-old revealed that if her boyfriend Ignacio ‘Nacho’ García Sabino de la Trinidad, ever saw her thighs in their “natural” state, he would faint. “And he’s testículos would probably fall off into the bargain!” she sniggered.

“If I want to wear the shorts,” she told CatMelodeonNews, “every time I must, how you say, ‘cut the grass’?”

“There is no use for me to have the Brazilian,” Mercedes sighed, as she headed for the bathroom. “Maybe I use the weed killer on them next time.”