Brexiters Outraged The King Has Met A Politician

Brexiters Outraged The King Has Met A Politician

The blowhards of Brexit are outraged that the King who has met politicians all his life, has been forced to meet another one. “It’s despicable that His Majesty should be dragged through the muck like this!”, Sir Bullingdon Catfart raged, as news broke that King Charles was “forced to shake a dirty foreigner’s hand”.

Across northern Ireland, members of the DUP soiled themselves when they heard the news. Former DUP leader Arlene Foster said that “I told my wife this vividly reminds me of the day Chamberlain came back from Munich waving the little piece of paper ‘Herr Hitler’ gave him. But then I remembered that happened long before I was born and I don’t have a wife…all of which made it so much worse.”

Boris Johnson later said “You have my word for it that the King was forced to kneel before Ursula von der ‘Leutnant‘ and lick the sole of her EU jackboot. Mark my words, there shall be no peace in Europe until I’ve been compensated for all the dodgy Russian money I’ve lost out on”.