Man From Somewhere Else Can’t Believe Things Are Done Differently Here

Man From Somewhere Else Can’t Believe Things Are Done Differently Here

A man who comes from somewhere else, today expressed astonishment that so many things aren’t done exactly the way they are where he comes from. “I knew you guys drive on the other side of the road but I can’t believe the bars won’t allow you to run a tab. What is it with that?”

Another man who comes from another place, couldn’t believe that Ireland isn’t part of Britain. “I just assumed that if northern Ireland’s part of the UK, southern Ireland must be too.”

A third man repeatedly told anyone who would listen that “In Chermany we would not do zis” but after a while he stopped saying it because he noticed it made people move away from him in the pub.

A recent survey found that people from all over the world are often bemused by the small differences found between one country and the next. But that American, British and German nationals are more likely to feel the locals need to have these differences pointed out to them.

The survey also found that the locals were most likely to feign polite fascination at repeatedly being told of the small differences, in the vain hope the penny would eventually drop.