DeSantis Opens Up About His Disability In Shocking New Campaign Video

DeSantis Opens Up About His Disability In Shocking New Campaign Video

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is preparing to release a bold new message in which he will publicly speak about his disability for the very first time. The move is part of a desperate gamble to revive his campaign in which he takes voters behind the scenes of his lifelong struggle to smile.

The short hard-hitting film begins with shocking footage of the governor’s tormented attempts to smile at himself in the mirror, before going onstage. He can be heard grunting with the effort until, blinking back the tears, he finally gives up. “If um, I’d a known I’d it’d be this hard, uh, I might a stayed in Florida?”

DeSantis goes on to talk about the loneliness of his condition and “the way my tongue sometimes flickers like a snake after I’ve, uh, tried to smile?” The camera also follows him on the campaign trail, as he meets and greets people who frequently urge him to ‘cheer up’.

“Politics is an ugly business,” a glum faced DeSantis tells one fan, “but I’m still smiling.”