Study Showing Dolphins Can Use Words In Correct Order & Context, Rejected By Politician Who Can’t

Study Showing Dolphins Can Use Words In Correct Order & Context, Rejected By Politician Who Can’t

Senator Mike Lee today said he would explain why he rejects the conclusions of a ground-breaking new dolphin study but only if he was allowed ‘speak in tongues’.

When asked why, the Mormon senator told the press pool that, “All will be explained when the ‘end times’ come and if you’ve got a problem with that, I can’t help you”.

Senator Lee then raised his hands, closed his eyes and spoke.

“A boh shay tota carrabeemus a mah handellin cora kee sacker cohsheehnan,” he said, “breaker-breaker, Donald Duck”.

Immediately afterwards, the senator’s staff announced the press conference was over and ‘so is the whole dolphin thing’.