A TG4 Newsreader Is Not A Celebrity

A TG4 Newsreader Is Not A Celebrity

A survey has found that on–air staff at Irish language station TG4, have the same public recognition factor as country & western singers and minor soap opera characters on RTE’s Fair City. A category often referred to as the head-scratching “Who’s that again?” bracket.

The survey also found that any Irish actor who achieves ‘bit part’ fame on a British TV channel, is regarded as a bona fide ‘interational celebrity’ in Ireland. Cultural commentators attribute this imbalance to Ireland’s ongoing, postcolonial lack of confidence in its own judgement. Galway hairdresser Una Mannion agreed with the results, saying “Fair City cuts more hair than TG4 anyday!”. However she refused to elaborate, whispering only that she had ‘already said too much’.

An insider later revealed the salon’s album of popular hairstyles, which features shots of several Fair City actors, has never featured a TG4 newsreader.