Annoying Exchange Student Clicks His Fingers To Every Song On The Radio

Annoying Exchange Student Clicks His Fingers To Every Song On The Radio

There was near universal agreement in Cedar Gardens this evening that there’s something wrong with the Korean exchange kid staying with the Gillan family. The consensus was that Choi Kum-ja is weirding everyone out with his compulsive finger clicking and ungainly dancing.

However among the estate’s 16 to 22 year olds, the 17 year old who can’t pronounce the word ‘exchange’ properly, has achieved near celebrity status for his inability to click his fingers in time to the simplest tune.

A clip of Choi desperately failing to mark time to Nathan Carter’s Wagon Wheel which was posted to Youtube last night, had already received over fifty ‘likes’ by 9am this morning. Acting President of the Cedar Gardens Residents’ Association Martina Andrews, told the association’s Treasurer Mags Corbett she “wouldn’t let the little oddball anywhere near our Gina”.

Both smiled and waved at CGRA committee member and dedicated pedant Patrick Galloway, as he drove by.

Agreeing that no matter how weird Choi was, “he wasn’t half as odd as that pecker”.