Apparently Jeremy Corbyn’s Not A Statesman On A Par With These Three Goobers?

Apparently Jeremy Corbyn’s Not A Statesman On A Par With These Three Goobers?

A YouGov poll has confirmed the average voter’s too clever to think Corbyn’s on a par with somebody of the calibre of David Cameron who called and lost a referendum and then immediately resigned in a sulk.

Nor to believe he’s even close to the stature of Teresa May who called an election and lost so many seats, she left her party dependent on the support of the DUP.

Or to imagine he possesses any of the gravitas of Boris Johnson who illegally shut down parliament and whom MPs felt was so untrustworthy, they had to write a special bill to compel him to obey the law.

The poll also confirmed the old saying that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth and that a lie can travel halfway round the world while Corbyn is still putting his shoes on.