Bannon And Giuliani Appointed Professors At Musk University, Texas (MUT)

Bannon And Giuliani Appointed Professors At Musk University, Texas (MUT)

Elon Musk has revealed Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani have been appointed to teach at his planned new university, with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell likely to be announced later today.

“Take it from me,” Musk’s statement said, “my new MUT’s degrees will be even more prestigious than Trump University’s were!”

Professor Bannon will teach Mud Slinging & Character Assassination, Professor Giuliani will teach Self Sabotage & Bankruptcy Law while Lindell is merely described as ‘pencilled in under ???’ An industry insider insisted that “Even in a field as strong as this, no one is better placed to teach Brown Nosing than he is”.

He also said it’s expected that Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Peter Navarro, will be tapped for assistant professor roles, “although it’s well known that Stone only works at night”.