Beggar Tries ‘We Band Of Brothers’ Speech On Stockbrokers

Beggar Tries ‘We Band Of Brothers’ Speech On Stockbrokers

Diners at the select Manhattan eaterie Le Bernardin last night, where a firm of stockbrokers were having their annual dinner. were treated to a unique panhandling pitch from Midtown wino Sigfried Maynard Wilton.

As the bemused diners arrived, Wilton solicited financial assistance by serenading them with an amended version of the legendary Saint Crispin’s Day speech from Shakespeare’s Henry VI. A speech that amongst other things, emphasises common purpose and noble endeavour.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that shares his moolah with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile”

Stockbroking being the polar opposite of activity that rewards common purpose or noble endeavour, the brokers responded with the signature indifference that is the hallmark of those who practice it. And once inside, those who had paid any attention to the speech, were strongly of the opinion that it was a heartfelt protest against any further moves to regulate the stock exchange.