Gaza Starting To Look A Lot Like The Warsaw Ghetto After “You Know Who” Was Finished With It

Gaza Starting To Look A Lot Like The Warsaw Ghetto After “You Know Who” Was Finished With It

President Biden has denied he ever said “Gaza is starting to look a lot like the Warsaw Ghetto after ‘you know who’ was finished with it”. But advisors have privately admitted, he thinks he probably should have said it’. The Nazis levelled the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 with a savage disregard for human life.

Meanwhile Donald Trump said “All Israel wants is a little ‘Lebensraum’, that’s Jewish for ‘free trade’ by the way?”

Binyamin Netanyahu accused Biden of ‘speaking his mind’ while a spokesman for the president explained that Mr Biden would not entirely disagree with those who say Netanyahu has lost his.

Pressure continues to grow on the president to take a tougher stance over Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Late last night advisors were trying out phrases the president might actually use, to suggest the Israeli response is an ongoing war crime.

“Instead of comparing it to the Warsaw Ghetto,” one thoughtfully suggested, “maybe he could just say ‘Gaza’s starting to look a lot like the Twin Towers on 9/11’ but stress that he means after the planes hit?”