Biden: House Republicans Are “NSFW”

Biden: House Republicans Are “NSFW”

President Biden declared House republicans to be ‘NSFW,’ at the end of a week in which far right Trump ally Jim Jordan was humiliated on his third attempt to become speaker. Addressing a D.C. fundraiser, the president said the incident reminded him of the tale of The Crow and the Pitcher from Aesop’s Fables.

“It’s about a thirsty crow that comes upon a pitcher with water at the bottom, beyond the reach of its beak. After failing to push it over, the bird then finds and drops in pebbles one by one until the water rises to the top, allowing it to drink? Well since he couldn’t find enough pebbles in all three attempts, there was no water for Jim to drink.”

As the crowd laughed, somebody shouted “What’s the moral?”

Biden smiled and said “Well some people would say that the moral of the story is that House republicans can’t count,” he continued, “while others would say the moral is that they’re not willing to work but I think it’s more serious than that? I think the true moral of the story is that House republicans are just ‘Not Suitable For Work’…period!”