Biden: Natural Stupidity Of Republican Party Poses Greater Risk Than Artificial Intelligence

Biden: Natural Stupidity Of Republican Party Poses Greater Risk Than Artificial Intelligence

The speed with which natural stupidity has penetrated the ranks of the republican party in recent years, President Biden has warned, poses a greater threat to America’s future than artificial intelligence.

“In a very short time, we went from having a traditional republican party to the Tea Party and then the rolling, 24 hour insanity of the Trump dominated party. Our institutions are under attack from these morons and therefore I call on republicans to immediately implement IQ testing for anyone intending to stand for office.”

Biden said that whereas artificial intelligence posed great risks and frankly, scared the hell out of him, it had never yet kept him awake at night. “But I couldn’t say the same about the party that elected Speaker Johnson.”

George Santos, Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert, he said, are all prime examples of natural stupidity succeeding beyond its wildest dreams.

“The republican party was never short of stupidity,” he added, “but the degree to which it has lately prospered in it, must have old Abe Lincoln spinning in his grave.”