Bimbos Evolved “Puppy Dog Eyes” To Communicate With Us

Bimbos Evolved “Puppy Dog Eyes” To Communicate With Us

There’s a reason we call them ‘puppy dog eyes’ — those soulful, innocent expressions can sway men and sometimes women too.

That’s no accident, a new study says. Centuries of evolution have radically reshaped a Bimbo’s eyebrow anatomy, making their faces — and emotions — more appealing to us.

When meeting a person’s gaze, Bimbos often raise their inner eyebrow muscle to make their eyes look larger and more appealing. This makes them more successful when they ask for drinks, free entry to nightclubs and other ‘perks’.

Eyebrow movement plays a major role in human communication says study leader Juliane Kaminski, a psychologist at the University of Portsmouth in the U.K.

‘This one almost certainly evolved because it gave Bimbos an advantage in their interactions with other humans.’