Lauren Boebert Says Taylor Swift’s Support For Biden ‘Is Totally Deepfake’

Lauren Boebert Says Taylor Swift’s Support For Biden ‘Is Totally Deepfake’

Lauren ‘Beetlejuice’ Boebert says the deepfake-detecting group Reality Defender has tracked a deluge of “non-consensual material depicting Taylor Swift falsely supporting the Democrats”.

The Colorado Congresswoman also said “a report by the AI firm DeepTrace Labs has shown this kind of material is ‘overwhelmingly weaponized against strong, independent women’. Women like Taylor and myself? The misogyny is undeniable. Joe Biden simply will not tolerate women who stand up to him.”

Bobo, as she’s known to her many, many critics, was this week hailed as “the political right’s answer to Taylor Swift” for at least ten minutes, until the claim disintegrated under the sheer weight of the amusement it generated. Much of it referencing her ejection from Beetlejuice the musical for, amongst other things, groping her date with ‘extreme prejudice’.

Elon Musk jumped into the controversy by saying he would immediately circulate new false claims about Swift on X, the platform known as Twitter until he became a complete stoner. This, he claimed, would bury the old false claims about her support for Biden.

“All I ask in return,” he said, “is that she finally agrees to have dinner with me?”