Capitol Riot Was Peaceful Protest Staged By Nancy Peolosi – MTG

Capitol Riot Was Peaceful Protest Staged By Nancy Peolosi – MTG

Marjorie Taylor Greene says she was “scared” on January 6th “because thugs hired by Nancy Pelosi turned our peaceful protest into a violent insurrection!”

The congresswoman was speaking after another empty book signing where she had to be photographed autographing a copy for her own assistant.

“We need to get our people out of jail,” she explained, “because they’re innocent. It was Pelosi, BLM and Antifa rioters that caused all the violence”.

 “This was all planned, right down to the smallest detail? What they did was, the FBI hoodwinked our people into turning up for a peaceful demonstration. They emailed them, organised buses for them and then, when they exercised their right to protest, the Democrats ambushed them.”

When asked why nobody had turned up to buy her book, Taylor Greene said, “This is the book that the Democratic party does not want you to read. You know why? Because it’s my words.”

A spokesman for the Democratic party said, “Actually I can’t disagree with a single word of that statement”.

“That’s why,” he added, “the party’s official position on Marjorie, is that she remains every bit as pretty as she is clever”.