Clinical Psychologists Say Entire GOP Caucus Now Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome

Clinical Psychologists Say Entire GOP Caucus Now Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome

A survey of Clinical Psychologists has found 70% of its members believe Republican Senators and Congressional Representatives, are displaying all the signs of a trauma coping mechanism known as Stockholm syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome is the phenomenon whereby victims of extremely traumatic situations like kidnapping or sex trafficking, can develop positive feelings towards their abuser.

“We sometimes call this ‘trauma bonding’,” Dr William Faberman explained, “but we’ve never found as clear cut an example of Stockholm syndrome on a mass scale? Republicans were for Ukraine aid right up until Trump turned against it and on his signal, they immediately flipped?”

“Another text book example is their stance on immigration reform. They campaigned for it, for decades! Then, just as the changes they had long demanded were about to be realized, they did another abrupt U-turn. Again, simply because Trump told them to.”

“When somebody relies on an abuser for food, safety or shelter, they can start to feel trapped,” he added. “They feel they can’t risk alienating them, as they are completely dependent on them.”

To justify the abuse, Dr. Faberman explained, “victims often start to believe that the more they bond with the abuser, the less likely they are to be abused, and this is certainly the case with the republican caucus.”

Dr Faberman advised republicans to seek psychological support immediately but added, “I won’t be holding my breath until they do…”