Committee Set Up To Establish Which Part Of Ireland Kanye West’s Ancestors Come From In Case Of White House Run

Committee Set Up To Establish Which Part Of Ireland Kanye West’s Ancestors Come From In Case Of White House Run

Irish Central publisher Niall O’Dowd is to head up a committee to research Kanye West’s Irish roots, in case he announces a bid for the White House in 2024. Although this is being described as a ‘just in case’ scenario, O’Dowd said his committee had been hoping to publish a family tree for him on St Patrick’s day.

“We haven’t had much luck with family roots yet,” he sighed “but we think we’ll find them somewhere in Upper Offaly or along the CavanMonaghan border.” Excitement was building in Birr yesterday, centred around a local family, the O’Reillys, who are described as BAME. However The Offally Independent has since ruled them out.

The paper says a photo widely distributed by a friend of the family yesterday, was alleged to be that of a cousin of West’s. However further inquiry revealed it to be a picture of a Mr Tadhg O’Reilly in blackface for a fancy dress fundraiser in aid of his local Gaelic football club.