Dead Palestinian Babies Never Once Expressed Support For Israel’s Right To Exist

Dead Palestinian Babies Never Once Expressed Support For Israel’s Right To Exist

Not one of the Palestinian babies who died in the invasion of Gaza, ever expressed their support for Israel’s right to exist, Benjamin Netanyahu has revealed. “Under circumstances like these,” the Trump ally sneered, “Israel may be forgiven for not crying tears of remorse over those who actively wish her harm?”

Meanwhile debate raged about precisely how many thousand children have been killed since the invasion began. “Where were the people who now object to these deaths when our children were being killed?” Netanyahu repeatedly asked, despite being repeatedly advised that the dead children of Gaza, definitely played no part in the diabolical attack Hamas launched on Israel that preceded the invasion.

It’s not known if the 102 UN workers who also died as a result of the invasion, expressed support for Israel’s right to exist or not but the Israeli PM said that if it could be proved any had, then an apology would be immediately forthcoming.

Although he briefly criticised Netanyahu after the Hamas attack, Trump quickly resumed supporting him, saying it was probably best now to “just let the situation play out”.