Eamon ‘Skullduggery’ Ryan FTW

Eamon ‘Skullduggery’ Ryan FTW

The Green Party leader’s latest PR disaster has led to him being dubbed Eamon ‘Skulduggery’ Ryan.

Last year, in a WhatsApp group set up by party activists, he was labelled Eamon “i, robot” Ryan and ‘autopilot eamon’.

But his inexplicable support for a mad plan to demolish the 18th century townhouse that hosts the Dublin Museum, has appalled his own party.

The plan was so unpopular, it was opposed by the city council’s own planners.

Afterwards WhatsApp posters weren’t kind.

One referred to him as ‘a snollygoster‘ – an obsolete term for unprincipled but shrewd person while another dubbed him a corporate ‘shill’.

“FTW?”, a third poster asked, “Hardly. Even though he’s made us all feel pretty green (about the gills) lately!”.

“After he guarantees we’re wiped out at the next election,” a final poster said, “I presume he’ll ‘do a Nick Clegg’ and skip off to work for Facebook”.