Florida School Bans The Bible Over “Scenes Of Rape, Incest And Adultery”

Florida School Bans The Bible Over “Scenes Of Rape, Incest And Adultery”

A school in Florida says it will in future require the written permission of parents, before pupils can read the bible as, “Sadly, it contains many scenes of ‘a pornographic nature’.”

Governor Ron DeSantis responded to the news by saying he would not comment until he’d read the bible but that in principle he was against pornography, “no matter who wrote it?’ A spokesman later denied the governor had asked for ‘a list of all the good bits’, before adding “because Pastor John Hagee already gave him one.’

The Tallahassee school that has banned the bible, is the same one that recently labelled Michelangelo’s sculpture of David ‘pornographic’.

School chairman Barney Bishop III said that while he was shocked by scenes of rape, incest and adultery, he was “even more shocked by how many scenes contained all three”.