Local Paper Exposes Cruelty Behind Christmas Tree Farming

Local Paper Exposes Cruelty Behind Christmas Tree Farming

A commercial Christmas tree “farm” where thousands of trees were being kept in cold, wet and crowded conditions, has been uncovered by a local newspaper.

Reporter Owen Goel said he’d never seen anything like it. “It was a battery farm on the side of a mountain and the trees were crammed so closely together, there was next to no light.” Goel said that even though he cut the wire fence surrounding the trees and yelled at them to leave, they remained rooted to the spot. “They were literally frozen with fear?”

He said it was one of the worst stories he’d ever covered. “The last thing people want to read about during the festive season, is a horror story like this”.

The paper’s editorial said that it was truly shocking that the property’s owners “had no shame and were perfectly happy” to be photographed with the trees.

At time of going to press, Owen tweeted “for some unknown reason, all of the rescue groups I contacted, hung up on me”