Ginni Thomas Wonders If Martha-Ann Alito Can Ever Be A Real Housewife of The Supreme Court

Ginni Thomas Wonders If Martha-Ann Alito Can Ever Be A Real Housewife of The Supreme Court

Ginni Thomas has questioned whether “Mrs Samuel Alito” really has the exaggerated sense of grievance it takes to be a Real Housewife of the Supreme Court.

Thomas is said to have wept bitter tears at the publicity bonanza Martha-Ann Alito gained after her husband Samuel claimed she had flown the flag upside down for days after the Capitol riot.

“God forgive me,” she told friends, “I know it’s wrong but in my darker moments I’ve even begun to suspect it was Samuel that flew Old Glory upside down on that great day!”

Thomas also said “Some of us did far more than than that? Some of us were calling and urging you-know-who to ‘stay strong’. Some of us, in other words, were inside the Alamo while others just watched from a safe distance!”