Harry To Oprah: ‘I Have No Idea What Our Dreams Are, Only Meghan Knows’

Harry To Oprah: ‘I Have No Idea What Our Dreams Are, Only Meghan Knows’

CBS has released a teaser of the pre-recorded Oprah Winfrey interview with Mr & Mrs Markle, in which Harry says ‘only Meghan knows’ what their dreams are.

In response to a question about the couple’s ‘hopes and dreams’, Harry speaks with a frankness that he explains, “would not have been possible, if I was still a ‘working member’ of the royal family”.

“Tell me a little about your dreams,” Oprah asks the duke who shrugs and replies, “Honestly? I have absolutely no idea, only she knows that!”

Appearing flustered when Oprah persisted, he said, “Ask her. Just ask her? I always do.”

Meghan then intervened to say “Harry’s dream is to use his extensive experience of waving at British people to branch out into waving at Americans”.

The couple smiled warmly at each other before Harry turned to Oprah and said, “See? She knows everything…”