Horse Eager To Distance Itself From Asshole Who Rode In On It

Horse Eager To Distance Itself From Asshole Who Rode In On It

Speaking through local horse whisperer Tom Grealish today, a horse strongly objected to undergoing the traditional fate suggested for assholes and the horses they’d ridden into town on.

“Screw him, by all means,” the horse protested, “I’m absolutely fine with that? But leave me the hell out of it”.

The horse angrily reminded Grealish, it was an entirely innocent bystander in the whole affair.

“I had no say whatsoever,” it pointed out, “in his decision to ride into town on me? So next time you’re talking to him, tell him ‘screw you’ but drop the ‘and the horse you rode in on’ bit, ok?”

Furthermore, the horse suggested, in a one-horse town like the one it was currently in, it would most definitely be wiser for all concerned – if they knew what was good for them – not to screw the only horse in town.