I Cannot Tell a Lie, I’d Have Been a Better Choice Than Vance – George Santos

I Cannot Tell a Lie, I’d Have Been a Better Choice Than Vance – George Santos

Former congressman George Santos who once hinted he was in the running to be Donald Trump’s running mate, says he “simply can’t stand the lies Vance has told about President Trump”.

“President Trump is nothing like Hitler. If he’d been in charge of the Holocaust, there wouldn’t be a Jew left alive today. Not even a Jew–ish one, like me?”

Santos, who confessed to making a few “minor embellishments” to his resume before congress voted to expel him, claimed “the cats comment was a silly distraction from the real offence”.

Santos also said he was “more than happy to confirm the rumours that I’m currently enjoying a brief vacation, before returning to help clear the tunnels under Gaza.”