“I Like People Who Weren’t Shot Down,” Trump Says After Bush Funeral

“I Like People Who Weren’t Shot Down,” Trump Says After Bush Funeral

After the funeral of George HW Bush, President Trump was overheard saying, “I like people who weren’t shot down”.

His comment recalled his feud with Arizona senator John McCain of whom he said, “I like people who weren’t captured”.

Bush was shot down in the Pacific in September 1944 while McCain was shot down over Hanoi in October 1967.

McCain spent five and a half years in captivity while Trump obtained a series of student deferments of military service, as well as a medical deferment for a “bone spur” in his foot. 

It’s been speculated that Trump’s remark was “revenge” for George W. Bush’s widely reported comment about Trump’s inaugural speech.

As soon as Trump was finished speaking, Bush was overheard muttering, “That was some weird shit”.