“If You’d Listened While I Was ‘Mansplaining’ How Not To Flood The Engine Honey, You’d Be Home By Now”

“If You’d Listened While I Was ‘Mansplaining’ How Not To Flood The Engine Honey, You’d Be Home By Now”

“All I’m trying to say,” a clearly exasperated Dominic Tanyon said this afternoon, “is that explaining can’t always be ‘mansplaining’?”

Mr. Tanyon was taking a call from his irate wife, Amber, whose car had refused to start moments earlier.

“Remember that time I tried to explain how the electoral college in America works and even though you’d asked me how it worked, a minute later you accused me of ‘mansplaining’ it to you? Well, this is kinda the same, only this time, you actually need to listen or…you’re not getting home anytime soon.”

A furious Mrs Tanyon, replied “I’d rather take a goddamn course in car maintenance!”

After the call ended, neither party was available for further comment.