Is It Wrong To Say Miss Bum Bum Has ‘One Hell Of An Ass’?

Is It Wrong To Say Miss Bum Bum Has ‘One Hell Of An Ass’?

We only ask because the ‘woke jury’ is still out on The Miss Bum Bum Pageant and we’re not sure of the correct protocol on this one?

How can the ‘woke jury’ still be out on it, you ask, while firmly rejecting the idea that there’s any such thing as a ‘woke jury’ in the first place?

And we get that, we really do. But a woman we know – who has a big ass that she likes – says Miss Bum Bum let a trans woman enter a year or two ago and that’s put the issue back on the table again.

If we’re honest, we’re not entirely sure we follow that logic?

But strictly on your behalf, we will watch this space!