Lake: I’m The Compromise Candidate Because I  Was Against Abortion Before I Was For It

Lake: I’m The Compromise Candidate Because I Was Against Abortion Before I Was For It

“Of course the hard left will say I used to call abortion the ‘ultimate sin’,” Kari Lake said today, “but what they won’t tell you, is that I said that, like, literally ages ago?”

“And yes, I did say I was ‘incredibly thrilled’ we were going back to using the 1864 abortion law but again, what they won’t tell you is that reminding people of that won’t help me win this senate seat!”

“Another thing the libs don’t want you to know, is that we don’t need to go back to the 1860s for our abortion laws? We only have to go back to the 1950s!”

A statement from her campaign office, later said, “Ms Lake makes no apologies for offering Arizonans as little by way of abortion services, as they’re willing to put up with”.

An editorial by the conservative leaning Arizona Republic newspaper subsequently claimed her courage “could only be admired”.

When asked what that meant, a local pollster winked and said, “It means she’s toast!