Man Reveals How ‘Fairytale Of New York’ Was Recorded, To Rapidly Emptying Bar

Man Reveals How ‘Fairytale Of New York’ Was Recorded, To Rapidly Emptying Bar

Despite increasingly desperate hints about saturation coverage of the timeless hit’s 30th anniversary, legendary Galway bore Brendan Coyne, ignored all the warning signs.

Around him, The Crane Bar’s customers, traditional Irish music fans well versed in the type of everyday information that Coyne considered esoteric, emptied their glasses and hurriedly left.

“My favourite bit is when McGowan sings ‘I could have been someone,’ Coyne portentously announced, “and McCall sings back, ‘Well so could anyone’?”

Trapped in a corner seat between Coyne and his strangely passive girlfriend Chrissy, twenty six year old Molly Freeney nodded nervously in agreement, as her panicked eyes searched for the nearest exit.

“You know she wasn’t meant to sing it at all, originally?” the 28 year old painter continued without drawing a breath, leading Freeney to resign herself to waiting for Coyne’s bladder to throw her a rope.