Man Disappointed Calendar Of Angels Not The Victoria’s Secret Kind

Man Disappointed Calendar Of Angels Not The Victoria’s Secret Kind

“I’m guessing Heaven wouldn’t miss any of these angels if they went missing,” Tiernan Feeney observed, as he flicked through the calendar his wife had given him for his 35th birthday while trying to ignore her noisy snickering.

The social media ‘consultant’ earlier this month complained in front of dinner guests, Tom and Sarah, that if he was a mechanic like Tom, he could have ‘an Angels calendar’ on his workplace wall.

As his wife went downstairs to make ‘a romantic breakfast for two,’ his mind drifted back to the happy moments he’d spent invoking the Lord’s name while glancing through Tom’s 1996 calendar.

As if to complete his happiness, just then his wife called out, “Tom got a Holy Guardian Angels calendar this morning too, from Sarah? It’s already up on his wall”.