Man Ok With AI Risks, So Long As It Delivers A Good Sex Robot

Man Ok With AI Risks, So Long As It Delivers A Good Sex Robot

“On balance,” Barry Dwyer mused today, “so long as I get a really top-notch sex robot out of it, AI can run the world however it likes? I mean, it’s not like I get much say in how it’s run at the moment, so…”

When asked to expand, Dwyer said his preference would be for a Mila Jovovich prototype that would be indistinguishable from the beautiful, all action heroine herself in the flesh. Aside from having a significant interest in gaming and introverted Star Wars fans.

“I suppose what I’m saying is I’d like a submissive but at the same time, sexually aggressive robot that saw me as an authority figure. One I could bring home to meet the folks without them twigging anything? And it wouldn’t hurt if she could hold down a part time job either because the extra money would come in handy.”

The unemployed 28-year-old barista added that AI would always have his support, so long as he had his very own ‘programmable Mila’. Possibly with an upgrade or two every couple of years.

“So, yeah, basically that’s all I’d want out of the deal, y’know?”