Man Whose Wife Told Him ‘You’re Not Getting Pulled Chicken’, Wants To Know If They’re Still Talking About Food

Man Whose Wife Told Him ‘You’re Not Getting Pulled Chicken’, Wants To Know If They’re Still Talking About Food

“The ultimate test of a relationship,” architect Dave O’Malley read aloud to his wife today, “is whether or not it can survive lockdown?”

In reply, ‘Architect’s wife and mother of two’, Iseult O’Malley, feigned a blank expression.

“Oh, you’re talking to me?” she then inquired with faux astonishment.

“Mind you,” he said, folding The Irish Times, “they also say paper never refused ink”.

She smiled icily before adding, “and by the way, you’re not getting pulled chicken?”

“I’ve told you before,” he replied, “don’t call me chicken.”