Millionth Woman Seeking Validation Asks Mumsnet ‘Am I Being Unreasonable?’

Millionth Woman Seeking Validation Asks Mumsnet ‘Am I Being Unreasonable?’

“Should I start with ‘There were always three people in this marriage’,” Siobhain Cantor wondered, “or should I go with ‘The umbilical cord was never cut’?”

Eventually the 26 year old quantity surveyor opted for ‘AIBU or is my mother in law TRYING TO DESTROY ME?’

“My mother in law helps out with babysitting and childcare and I’m eternally grateful for the help and money she saves us. BUT! Recently while doing some ironing for me, she asked if she could get her granddaughter’s name tattooed on her arm and I specifically forbade it.”

“But yesterday after my MIL picked my DD up from the kindergarten, I noticed she had ‘Emma’ tattooed on her wrist!!!!! When I confronted her about it, she just said it wasn’t on her arm. AIBU?”

A smile slowly spread across Siobhain’s face, as the first three ‘YANBU’ posts gave her the reassurance she craved.

“I knew it,” she snarled.