Moms For Liberty Call Cops On Librarians Over “Pornographic” Book

Moms For Liberty Call Cops On Librarians Over “Pornographic” Book

Two Florida members of the Trump supporting Moms for Liberty group called police on a pair of school librarians over “a pornographic book”.

“A crime is being committed. It’s a 3rd-degree felony. And we’ve got the evidence,” said Jennifer Tapley, a member of the Santa Rosa County chapter of Moms for Liberty, in an Oct. 25 phone call to a local sheriff’s office.

The book in question – which she said “contains scenes of incest, paedophilia, homosexuality, prostitution and even bestiality” – is called The Bible.

“Have a look at Leviticus,” she said, “you’ll be sick to the pit of your stomach!”

Tapley told cops that a 17-year-old “minor” had checked out the book from Jay High School – prompting raucous laughter in the background of the police station.

Any book with a sex scene is inappropriate for minors,” she added, “and the King David scenes are a sewer of lust and depravity,”