Musk Says Flight Attendant Never Truly Loved His Scarred, Tattooed Penis

Musk Says Flight Attendant Never Truly Loved His Scarred, Tattooed Penis

Elon Musk says a flight attendant who claims he exposed himself to her, “never truly loved the little fella or she’d have been able to sketch ‘The Donald’ in all his true beauty”. He made the statement after Business Insider reported that Musk’s SpaceX paid $250,000 in 2018 to settle a sexual harassment claim from an unnamed, private jet flight attendant.

“I challenged her to describe just one scar or tattoo that isn’t known to the public but she can’t because she’s a liar and that’s why I’m not gonna vote for the Democrats from now on”.

Musk, who recently challenged Vladimir Putin to a single combat duel – “the oldest, most reliable form of trial” – warned that the flight attendant’s story was a ‘politically motivated hit piece, meant to interfere with the Twitter acquisition’.

“The alternative is that people believe I seriously offered to buy her a horse if she would give me a ‘rub and tug’. Because I ask you in all seriousness, does that sound like something I would say?”