Nanny Warns Fiery Speech Not Simply Application To Relaunch Heartwarming Sitcom

Nanny Warns Fiery Speech Not Simply Application To Relaunch Heartwarming Sitcom

Nanny actor Fran Drescher has implored directors not to see her fiery speech about the Hollywood strike as an audition for the relaunch of her ‘much loved’ sitcom about how a feisty New Yorker’s indomitable spirit endeared her to all.

“Everyone said I lambasted Hollywood’s directors, in exactly the way my sassy, nasal-voiced, street-smarts character The Nanny would have? But when I said ‘This is a moment of history. This is a moment of truth. If we don’t stand tall right now, we are all going to be in trouble,’ in no way was I trying to remind people that a relaunch of The Nanny is way, way overdue?”

Drescher said it would be ‘wrong, wrong, wrong’ to see the speech as an audition tape for relaunching the sitcom “Because I am completely tied up in putting a musical version of The Nanny on Broadway? So, absolutely no linkage whatsoever there…”